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Mortgage Refix or Refinance

Mortgage refinancing has the potential to save you thousands of dollars. NZ Mortgages offers expert refix and finance solutions that are tailored to your needs and changing life circumstances.

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It might seem tempting to simply renew your existing mortgage, but you could miss out on thousands of dollars of long-term savings. 

When the time comes to renew your home loan, it’s important to take the time to review your existing mortgage structure and ensure that it still fits your needs.

Our team of highly-trained and experienced professionals provide you with expert refix and refinance mortgage solutions. Whether it’s career progression, relocation or a new baby, circumstances change, and your mortgage structure should change too.

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Making sure you get the best deal for now and your future goals.

We can advise you on the best mortgage options to fit your lifestyle today, and your goals for the future.

Check out our handy online resources to get a handle on where you're currently at!

Our award winning team

Expert mortgage advisers
We’ll hunt the market to find you the best deal, and provide all the advice you need to enjoy and understand the process.
first time home buyer
Our highly experienced mortgage brokers are dedicated to helping Kiwis buy their dream home or property


Our top tips to learn before you refix/refinance.

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Frequently asked questions

Is a home appraisal required to refinance a mortgage?
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In most cases, a home appraisal is required to determine the current market value of the property. However, some refinance programs may offer streamlined processes without the need for a new appraisal.

What is the mortgage refinance process?
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The process typically involves assessing your financial situation, choosing a suitable loan option, completing a loan application, providing documentation, undergoing a credit check, appraisal, and closing.

What are the benefits of refinancing?
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Benefits include potentially lower monthly payments, reduced interest costs over the life of the loan, consolidation of debt, access to cash, and the ability to change loan terms to better suit your financial goals.

When should you refinance your mortgage?
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You may consider refinancing when interest rates are lower, your credit score has improved, you want to change loan terms, or you need to access equity for home improvements or debt consolidation.

What is mortgage refinancing?
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Mortgage refinancing involves replacing an existing mortgage with a new one, typically to secure better terms, lower interest rates, or access equity in the property.

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